Byrna's Drill of the Day - Musical Chairs

Today’s “Prepared to Defend” drill of the day is…musical chairs!

This drill is designed to force us to shoot from awkward sitting positions so that we learn how to get rounds off quickly without wasting precious seconds settling into a shooting stance.

If you’re like most people, you spend a lot of time sitting, and if a threat presents itself while we are seated, we need to understand how to move our body to still get off accurate shots.

To set up this drill, we just need a chair and one target placed 10-15 feet away. You will also need whatever means you carry your Byrna in while out in public, be that a holster or sling bag. We’re going to start this drill seated with the chair facing the target.

As we begin, we will draw our Byrna while remaining seated and fire 3 rounds at the target, then stand, get into a good firing stance, and fire an additional 2 rounds. Sounds easy, right? For the next iteration, we are going to turn the chair 90 degrees to the right and complete the drill again. So on, so forth until we have made it all the way around.

So here is a pro tip: As you turn to address your target, try to move as much of your upper body as you can to closely resemble a normal shooting position from the waist up. Also, after you are comfortable shooting this drill, you can crank up the realism by putting a table in front of you to move around.

So get out there and train early and train often so that if the time comes, you’ll be prepared to defend.